Men’s Ministry – Promise Keepers
St. James Monday Morning Men’s Group (AKA Promise Keepers)
Our Men’s group is a continuation of a long-running men’s fellowship and accountability group which originated as a gathering of men interested in the Promise Keeper teachings. Over the years we met in a number of venues, including hotels, restaurants and cafeterias, and our church. Our members are by and large retired, enabling us to meet for 90 minutes from 8:00 AM on Monday mornings. Pre-Covid19 restrictions saw 5 to 8 of us meet at a St. James Classroom for a light breakfast, a bible study and corporate prayer.
After the closing of the Church, wanted to continue the meetings, so we shifted to a GoToMeeting Electronic platform and adjusted our format to include a book study three Mondays a month and reserved the first Monday to do Morning Prayer. We completed an intense study of Spiritual Warfare over a years’ time. We also completed a short session on the Creeds used in the Anglican Communion. This study was developed and led by one of our members. Now we have embarked on an in-depth study of the 2019 Book of Common Prayer. This guided study again by one of our members, utilizes videos prepared by the AAC to enhance our group discussion. With the electronic format we now use, our attendance now averages about 15 men. While we miss the personal interaction and the Junior Warden’s select coffee, it is working well. It enables men to attend without a concern about the commute.
We complete our meeting by offering a time of individual prayer requests, all of our conversation and discussion is confidential and remains within the group.
We have room for more men, our GoToMeeting account tops out at about 50 participants and we don’t mind expanding it. If you have an interest, please contact Jim Carlson at or 714 377-9933
Women’s Ministry
At St James, we seek to cherish and nurture one another in the Lord and in our personal lives. We are passionate about growing relationships with God and with each other. We welcome all St James women to get connected and find a place of warmth, welcome and value. We’d love to get to know you. The goal of St James Women’s ministry is to encourage and equip women of all ages and stages of life to deepen their faith, worship, learn and fellowship together.
Connecting Women to One Another and the Presence and Power of Jesus.
During this time, we have missed meeting together physically, but our goal is to create a place for women to retreat to from their busy lives, for fellowship, encouragement, and times of worship. We’ve enjoyed several Women’s gatherings in Trane Hall this past year where we’ve met for breakfast, enjoyed an encouraging testimony and had opportunities to get to know one another. During a recent zoom time of Coffee and Connection, we enjoyed a devotional and the encouragement of gathering together.
As we look forward to once again meeting together, our goal is to create opportunities where women can minister to one another in different facets of their lives, whether it be through Bible Studies, monthly gatherings or expressing God’s love through ministering to our community. We welcome you to join us as St James Women, who journey together, growing more and more into the women God desires us to be.
Col. 1: 10 “And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way, bearing fruit in every good work, and growing in the knowledge of God.”
Cheri Dale –
Julie Schulz –